Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

Hi everyone!

I applied for another job today! Well, I finished it today - I started applying for it yesterday, (Library assistant at one of my local libraries), and I needed a reference - so I went into school and got one from the school librarian! I mean, you can't get much better than that!

I skipped class today, which is something I rarely ever do. It was p.e, and when we got there most of the changing rooms were being used by another class, so they made all the boys use one changing room. I was extremely uncomfortable with that (cramped, surrounded by people I hate), so I turned around and walked away! None of the teachers even noticed I was gone - sometimes it pays to be the quiet one!

Tomorrow is the referendum vote, which I am really excited about! It's so weird that in the next 24 hours, the future of our country will take a dramatic turn, whichever way the vote is. I don't believe this is the place for politics, but I know what I'm voting (Really glad 16 & 17 year olds can vote - I'm surprised at how serious they've taken it!), and I'm pretty confident with my choice.

Have a good Thursday!

Steven :)

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