The die is cast

I post this as the referendum ballot formally closes.

There can be no other photo for today but this.

I cast my vote at my usual time before 8am and have never seen such traffic in and out of the polling station. Families, the elderly, people in office attire, cycling outfits, casually dressed. It was difficult to get a clear shot of these placards without a variety of legs in the

All very professional and amicable inside and outside the polling station. But the grey mist that hung over Edinburgh this morning did not dissipate all day or break away as originally promised. A portent of the uncertainty over the outcome of the vote?

As a career civil servant I've never revealed my vote: and some people have made wrong assumptions about my voting intentions in the past. Like many in this referendum I've seen arguments on both sides. As has been often said in the past few weeks this has been an astonishing display of public and community participation in the democratic process and, despite some numpties at the extremes on both sides has been conducted in a spirit of engagement and debate. As Alan Little said on the BBC last night many households are split - and while emotions have intensified towards today - the discussions have been that -discussions.

Whatever the outcome I have pride in how we as a people have conducted this lengthy debate.

I've never felt the weight of importance in marking my X on the ballot paper as today, or the sense that my vote really matters.

Like everyone today I've voted for what I think is best overall for Scotland.

I hope that whatever the outcome is tomorrow - whether you are on the side that comes out on top or not - we will work to make sure that the issues identified in the debates are addressed to the best of our collective ability.

Problems and successes and challenges will remain tomorrow and in the future. The means and opportunities we have to address them will be different depending on the outcome. But we must pull together - deploying our skills and preferences - to tackle the challenges.

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