
We are (according to The Boss) due for a change in the weather with a “Winter Recap”
Just when you were putting your sno shoes back in the bag we have a reversal which makes the whole thing look a bit political and certainly matches the National feeling with our countries election held tomoro but voting is allowed today and a lot of folk, The B’s included, chose that option. I stayed in Suzz pending the outcome of The Curly Party’s bid for office. We had (I thought) a grrreat slogan “Make Parliament a real Dogs Breakfast” but it seems that it was already, so it may be obscurity as before. We went Blatting instead.
It has been the “Dirtiest” election run up in NZ’s history aided by imported Non New Zealanders and international video links with those that can’t show their faces, spreading fear and doubt in a way that always makes democracies interesting.
Blatting is just more fun.
The Boss was watching the “incoming” with a view to making it bark to Suzz before precipitation. We did. I hold some fear for the outcome….Not of the election stuff but the weather… The Boss is not an all weather blatter. Sigh
The devil is hiding behind the sparkles

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