CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Scotland has voted No.

Dull, dry and mild day.

After a historic vote with a record turnout of 85%, Scotland finally had a majority in favour of No - to an Independent Scotland. It was not as close as we were led to believe that it might be and it was certainly a clear majority. Many people have been left disappointed, yet with a real desire to come together for the good of Scotland's future. The road ahead in the delivery of the 'promises' made regarding more powers will be very difficult, but we can only wait and see.

In other news, I had my procedure to remove a lesion on my scalp this morning and all seems to be ok, though it will take a little while to heal. Thank you to all for your good wishes over the last few days.

Once again, I may may not be up to commenting as much as usual for a day or two.

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