Suicide Spider
First of an apology to any arachnophobes. I'm convinced this spider has a death wish. For the last two days I've inadvertently destroyed his webs, some of which are huge works of art made out of the most unbelievably strong material.
So, came home last night and parked in a slightly different spot. Opened the car door straight into the web breaking it. Then this morning found that spider had re-spun it across the back of the car so again I had to shift it before moving the car.
This evening on my return home I parked in my usual spot on the drive only to discover when I had to nip out a bit later that he'd now decided to spin his web right across the driveway! My first reaction was it was attached to the front of the car, but as I slowly reversed I realised that wasn't the case, it really was right across the drive. I can see where it's attached at the top but I've no idea where it is at the bottom if it's not to the front of my car. So on my return I had to park even further back to make sure I didn't wreck it again.
Being read Charlotte's Web at a young age has a lot to answer for!
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