incidental music

By incidentalmusic

I've had a couple of days to reflect on the Kate Bush concert. It's quite easy to come straight out of the venue in the heat of the moment and over enthuse about everything, so I've left it until now. The first thing to note is that she's still a magnificent singer. Magnificent. It's surprising given that she hasn't performed live for 35 years before these concerts that she's such a confident performer.

These concerts don't include a note from her first four albums - that's most of her best known material. That voice and wild persona that people remember from the 70's on TOTP has been consigned to history many years ago. The core of this show was extended and heavily theatrical performances of 'The Ninth Wave' - the suite from 'Hounds of Love' which many KB fans think of as her finest moment - and 'A Sky Full of Honey' - the second half of the Aerial album. 'The Ninth Wave' worked beautifully; I confess I was very moved at the end of it, despite realising that I had misinterpreted it all these years. 'A Sky Full of Honey' was very beautiful, but it went on a bit. The additional song, sung by her 16 year old son, well...we would probably have survived without it.

Who knows what will happen now. My dream gig would be to have her sit at a piano, perhaps with a discreet band, and just sing her songs.

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