
By Igor

Postcard from Yorkshire 1.

I’m loading the car as Anniemay stands watching to make sure I don’t forget anything;
“camera bags?” Check
“maps?” Check
“walking boots?” Check
“Microwave?” Microwave?

How many people take a microwave oven on a walking holiday?

OK - when I say 'walking holiday' it's not a full-blown foot-based expedition somewhere remote, where supplies have been dropped in advance. We’ll probably drive to somewhere nice and walk about a bit. Authentic outdoor footwear will be involved though. And maps.

Anniemay has arrange for us to call in on her mother in Manchester on the way back from our holiday and present her with a new microwave. So we have to take it in the car with us. I hope it enjoys the break as much as we do.

We’ll stay for a few days in Helmsley in the North Yorks Moors National Park, before heading on to Newcastle-Gateshead for an early evening boogie in the over 60s-and-back-in-bed-by-9pm night club.

We break the journey North with a stop in the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. The leaves on a few of the specimen trees that dominate the landscape are just starting to turn - it should look magnificent in a few more weeks.

We were spoilt for choice with subjects to blip. This row of seated figures - at least twice life-size - caught my eye.

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