Mobilisation in #Huddersfield
It was a short week (only 4 days), but after being on holiday it feels like a long, long one.
I was out and about today dealing issues involving the buildings I manage including locked fire exits, boilers, prospective new tenants, collapsed lighting, underground piping, fire safety, speed signs, yet another dodgy fire exit and a new IT installation before returning to my desk at 4 pm to start on the 500+ emails still sitting in my inbox.
Two cups of coffee and four chocolate biscuits later I find that, save for the security guard, I am the only person left in the 10 storey office building.
On heading for my car I come across a Vigil for Climate Safety in solidarity with the People's Climate Mobilization
I am invited to bear witness to the loss of Arctic sea ice and mark the impact of climate change globally.
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