Red Squirrel Bum

I told you they could tell exactly what focal length lens you had and keep just out of reach!

Unlike these guys who spent ages squaring up for a fight.
Unfortunately, they were like a couple of girlie schoolboys in the playground dancing around each other too scared t try and take the first punch.
I gave up and did the same as the squirrel - showed them my arse (so to speak) and left them to it.

There are loads of different kinds of fungi in the Whinfell Forrest but you need to be quick to get them before the damned kids go tramping over them or the wildlife eat them.
I rather liked the way this Shaggy Ink Cap was dripping as it quickly dissolved.

I came across two rather special plants on my wandering - this tree which was displaying how the softer wood between the bark and the heartwood rots away first - and the much rarer Feather Leaved Bramble whose fruit tastes exactly the same as its much more common cousin. I can fully attest to this as I have had to take the monsters brambling at every opportunity and Boy!, can Squirrel pack them away.

Talking of activities, Bags has done a tree top assault course, son-in-law had thundered about a quad bike and I stuffed them and No1 son at archery (I think I forgot to mention that he and his troupe joined us).
We have also all been swimming of course.
It was The Cat's (previously mentioned as butterfly but cat naps and howls like a fighting cat thus the name change) first time swimming and she quite enjoyed after she had finished letting us know that it was just a degree or so lower in temperature than she expected her bath to be.
The Cygnet was living up to his name and spending most of his time underwater.
Squirrel was harder to shoot because she would insist on taking off her goggles so wouldn't stay under as long.
SWMBO is not the strongest of swimmers and having lost a lost of her natural buoyancy on her diet found dealing with the tidal waves that kept being produced quite tough going.

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