Old boats . . .

Ollie and I spent some time this morning pootling about on the shore and in amongst the old boats. Soon there won't be anything recognisable left of them, so I'm taking lots of photos.

A few weeks ago our neighbours' cat was killed by a car. Over the last few years there have been several dogs and cats knocked down and now that there are six small children living here, and a fair few elderly folk, concern is growing about the speed of traffic through the village. Amazingly there is not even a 30 mph limit on the road as it is not classed as a residential area, so cars, tractors and delivery vans hurtle along it, even though it is single track with limited visibility.

I took it upon myself to write a letter to the council, which everyone in the village signed, and today, lo and behold, some council chaps came down and installed speed measuring devices on the road! Hooray! We'll wait and see what happens next!

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