
By Pisky29

Other parties

This cake was an encounter in distinct contrast to the sensationally reported very, very isolated outbreak of nationalist unpleasantness in the name of 'No' celebrations in Glasgow.

There a very few numb-skulled, 'loyalist' nationalists were filmed charging into George Square, screaming obscenities, furiously waving union flags and howling such pithy bon mots as "no surrender, NO SURRENDER!" (To what they were not surrendering I still don't understand). It appears contrived and coordinated by the sort of foul fascists who are permanently spoiling for a fight, and to whom the cause/venue/opportunity doesn't really matter. That they did it this time using the 'No' vote as an excuse must be deeply shameful for that campaign.

I was walking home from the station and saw some folk I know tootling off to a party celebration with this cake. As I understood it, it was a pre-referendum pact between two families who did not share the same voting intention, but agreed that whatever the result they would get together afterwards and celebrate nationhood, with the winning vote supporter providing the cake.

I liked that attitude.

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