2 x 2

Two x two year olds, enjoying birthday cake. We celebrated Ella's birthday amongst the noise of 3 fun filled girls. Celebrating birthdays and watching these girls grow up fast seems strange (and frankly wrong) without my dear Mummy. But how blessed we are to have family to help us along the way and Lydia, Eve and Ella provide joy in abundance.

Today I also copied Happyframe and baked a blackberry tart to take over to Bux and Michael this evening. I doubt it will be at the same standard as HF but no one will ever know! Eve has been bereft for much of the day having waved goodbye to Tom (a friend who flew in from LA yesterday) this morning. She tried to persuade him to stay with offers of croissants - when that failed she was still fairly determined that we should go and buy some croissants regardless of his departure but we managed to distract her with a healthier option of a trip to the pool instead. Birthday fun with Ella made her forget all about her previous moodiness too!

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