Morts' Photo Journal

By morts

Productive Day Off

Was pretty pissed off today after making the 1hr trip to work just to find out that what I had been promised hadn't been delivered so I spent half an hour stuffing around checking a couple of budgets, etc and then headed off home again. Home before 9am, booking the travel time thats for sure.

Spent the day checking out lens reviews over the net and ended up finding a cheap camera seller (works from his house) who lives not 10 minutes away from me so I popped around there and played around with a few and ended up picking up a new lens, filter and remote release. Was quite happy with my productivity. See what happens when you don't go to work?

After that I didn't have much time to find a shot for my blip so I headed up to my local lookout (which I never thought was accessable but it was) and took a few photos from up top. Mainly with my old lens as the new one is a telephoto lens.

This is what I came up with. Unfortunately its been quite hazy recently which is not normal, but this was the best I could do today.

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