Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Mair Independence?

Mr Dyson's surname is actually Mair. His mum, dad and brother are all dyed in the wool SNP supporters, and his mum and dad have been fighting for independence for 40 + years.

Tonight we had a wee soiree in the kitchen, which led to the death of several bottles of fizz, and a number of glasses of home-made bramble vodka and a lot of cheese and biscuits.

Me, mother-in-law Janice, and my daughter Abi, are going to the Women for Independence event on Saturday 4th October in the Station Hotel in Perth, and I'm really looking forward to it. We are hoping to fit in a wee movie and drinks event the night before.

Come on Yessers, let's get back in the saddle and take the fight forward!

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