Photos in A Major

By A

This is not the Effiel tower

It is however Nicholas explaining the menu in a Paris restaurant.

I had hoped to have a snap of the team under the Eiffel Tower for tonight, however things change...I'll pick up the story from yesterday's blip.

Leaving Theale (eventually after numerous photos) we split into two groups, the quick (for 100 miles) and the slower ones (for a more direct 83miles to Newhaven). I was on group two, actually I was navigating for group 2, some 17 of us and just me with a garmin and the route on my iPhone with mapping software. Heading southward, the heavens soon opened and it started to rain, so after just 10 miles we were thoroughly soaked. At this point we had the first of 8 punctures of the day, Cecile picking up three of these. Some great riding over the South Downs and a lunch stop at 2pm after 42 miles, not the overall average we were looking for. More riding south and we arrived at the coast, then a 15 mile drag along the coast road on Friday night, Hove, Brighten and then Newhaven. Hilly and with constant traffic it was quite dodgy. Finally just 1 mile from Newhaven, Cecile punctures again and the two of us walk the final section, while the others ride on in fading light.

One of our number had to retire, a member of the quick group took a tumble, split his helmet and A&E recommended he stop the ride, a real shame.

A quick change in Newhaven leisure centre and then arriving 1 hr late at the Italian. Lots of pasta to recharge, bill paying was an issue as his card
Machine had broken, we need to ring him today! However a 2 mile dash to the port and we were on the ferry at 11 pm! We'd had a raffle for the only two spare bunks, which thankfully I had managed to secure, the rest of the team tried to sleep on the floor of various ferry lounges. Arrival at Dieppe and we walked 2 further miles, like a group of immigrants, to the town hall where Nicholas had arranged lodging until first light. Like most, I managed a further 2 hrs on a hard hall floor. Breakfast at 7 (porridge pots) and away by 8, more dignitary photos later.

Some 5 miles in we had had our first mechanical, Cecile's bike again, we quickly swapped her to the spare and continued, a good call. Then with 140 km on the signs to Paris, we got the hammer down! Three groups on the road, tight 2 abreast formation for wide straight boulevards and quick cycling, the sun appeared and I now have a right hand side tan, as we were riding south east!

After 30 miles, I was flagging, little real sleep, no caffeine and hungry, the tunnel vision was setting in and I realised this wasn't good. Thankfully a coffee and half a bag of tortilla crisps (salt and slow release carbs don't you know) rectified some of this, we were soon 50 miles in and having lunch at Cecile's cousins house. Yes all 26 (now) sweaty cyclists making Le bagguette sandwich on the veranda! Thank you Delphine!

The km then tumbled and we soon had an average speed of 14.5mph. Then just 30 miles from Paris the rumbles of thunder we had been hearing, turning into torrential rain, with hail stones. At this stage the group scattered, some took refuge in the two vans, others under trees, myself and 4 others pressed on before being forced to stop under a bridge, finding rooms with the cars that had also stopped as visibility was so bad.

Quickly the hail passed, however it was still raining, but we were getting cold. Nothing else for it and no point for water proofs, we were wet now, we rode on for what was a fantastic purple patch. A following wind, the roads feeling a lot quicker, then they started to dry. I ended up leading out for a considerable amount of the 10 miles to Pointoise, the pace around 25 mph even up hill!

Arriving on Pontoise, our chosen rendezvous, we hear of an accident involving two of the team. Both now en route to A&E. It later emerged that Cecile had a broken big toe and thankfully the neck brace and ambulance for Jenny just precautionary. Getting what remained of the cold wet group together in a Pontoise bar, we decided to halt the ride in a suburb of Paris, just 12 miles from the tower. Gutting, but the right thing to do.

The vans loaded, all except Nicholas and I waited for Cecile and Jenny to arrive from the hospital. They managed to getting a lift with a passing person, who overheard their plight, as no taxis were forthcoming.

Late and with no time to make it to my hotel before dinner (now pushed back to 10 pm), I find myself in Nicholas's brother in laws Parisian flat, showered and drinking a well needed beer.

And finally here we are, studying the menu in a Paris restaurant, and eating at 11.00 pm. Tired beyond belief, sore in places I have never suffered from before (I now have found the benefits of using chamois cream). But proud and amazed of what we've achieved. Over 170 miles, Theale to Paris (almost) and all unscathed, with some close calls however, plus over £4000 for charity, with more coming in. Some great riding (day 2 overall average speed was 14.8 mph for 86 miles!) and wonderful scenery. But most of all some great friends, fantastic hospitality (thank you France) and some great times to remember.

Giving it another shot next year, perhaps!

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