Messing about on the river!

Oh such fun was had by all. The 'children' all decided that they needed to get the boats out and have a lazy hour on our river with their children! We took the boats out on top of Mr Tbay Jnr's Landrover. It looked as if they were on safari with the three boats on the roof! Then it was fun and games to get the three boats into the river and people into them. Pip and Lula also felt the need to try to get into the boats as well. They did have a swim and were then hauled out rather smelly.

Such simple pleasures are so priceless . I often feel how lucky our children were to have a playground like this, and they in turn love their friends children to have the same fun. No TV needed here just open the door and let them run free!

Farming - alas nil!! Hangovers just too much to allow a great deal of activity. Tee hee

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