CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Celtic Cross

Dry, bright and sunny day.

Thank you to all of you who have sent me messages of support and best wishes for my recovery after my scalp operation. I was able to preach in Brechin Baptist Church, though pretty tired afterwards. When we eventually got home I was able to see the end of the football, when Man United disintegrated to a loss having been well in the lead! Much better was the result of the Singapore Grand Prix.

I decided to blip this Celtic Cross, which is a lovely necklace which my wife wears. No one really knows the origin of this particular style of Cross, although most likely it was of Irish descent and brought to Scotland, Wales and parts of England by Irish missionaries. It is possible that the particular design which includes a ring round the cross comes from a desire to appeal to those who originally worshiped the sun God. Others believe it was to represent a halo round Christ's head. A more down to earth suggestion was that it was to provide stability to the outdoor crosses, especially against the strong gales usually found in the Celtic lands.

Whatever the origins, the intricate interweaving of more ornate designs is very attractive.

I am going to take as much rest as possible this week to recover from last weeks operation and to prepare myself for my operation on Thursday. Hopefully, I shall be well enough to preach once again next Sunday in Brechin Baptist. I know, I know, my family think I am mad - but these dates were arranged before the operations were fixed, and as long as I can stand - I will preach!

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