I'm not moaning but I honestly think I may have been awake more than I was asleep last night.
Wom slept in the big boy bed for the first time at night, last night, he did from 7-11. Sadly I knew when he woke at 11 it was going to be a long night. He then woke at 1,3,4 and 5. At 5:10 Charlotte joined in and woke up. I tried and failed to keep her in her bed. Daddy brought her down at 6:15 to try and give me some peace and quiet. Sadly Wom then woke.
I've spent the day being ditzy. Forgetting words, forgetting where I am going, what I was doing, leaving taps on - opps - waters meant to come through the ceiling isn't it! it wasn't as bad as that sounds but the hall carpet is damp from the bathroom tap being left on!
Lovely morning playing, followed by both children coordinating their sleeps! Mummy and daddy snatched some precious time together and had a lovely lunch. Went to the park for a play / run about / feed ducks.
Home, tea, play, taps left on, Bathtime, bedtime, change bed sheets time, bedtime again. Sleeeeeeep
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