
By TrudievA

New Senseo coffee machine

Our Senseo coffee machine was broken, so we needed a new one. Unfortunately they are no longer sold in the US. Back in the Netherlands they have 220V instead of 110V, so that wasn't an option. I complained about it on Facebook and a Dutch friend who is living in Brazil said they have the Senseo there AND they have them in 110V. Her husband was going to be in Houston for a business trip, so they bought a Senseo for us. So today our husbands met at the airport to exchange the Senseo. We just needed to change the plug and now it's working. Yeah!

On the downside; my pc crashed. I was able to make a backup, but I don't have a computer for a while. Couldn't post my blip yesterday and will try to post from my tablet until the pc is fixed. I'm sorry if I don't comment on your pictures in the next couple of days. I only have a tablet and my phone and I'm not comfortable yet with how to get around blipfoto on these things.

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