Views of my world

By rosamund


After a brilliant, but late, night at my brothers I woke up feeling a little out of sorts. I decided that what I needed was a good long walk as the weather was absolutely glorious. I took myself off up to the Greenock Cut and set off to do the whole walk which was going to be a push for me at a little over 10k. It's a walk that you're supposed to do anti-clockwise but I went back to front which meant that at kilometre number 9 I faced this hill, my feet were beginning to hurt at this point and the dry rocky path uphill didn't help, neither did the fact that the whole walk according to my mapping app was actually 12.5k so it was a bit of a push to get back to my car but the overall effect was just what I needed, I cleared my head and focused on the walk and the beautiful surroundings and filed my worries away.

It's been a lovely weekend except for some very sad news from a very dear friend that has touched me in the most unexpected way and made me treasure the opportunity I have been given.

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