Horses Head at Sunset

The morning passed with a "fruitless" visit to a car boot sale ! and a more fruitful time in the orchard. The plum tree cleared of all its fruit I can reach, the Ellisons Orange apple tree was belatedly cleared (could have been picked at the same time a the Grenadier ) of fruit before they all fell off. Windfalls collected some cooked down as a puree for Mrs A S's 5 a day, the rest taken to the yard for everyone there to use in their horses feeds.
Lunch and the F1 GP watched , then the apple cooking and prepping for our roast dinner. Then up to the yard when Mrs A S finished work, where I went for a walk around with the 70mm prime lens. Liked this one of a mare called Charlie ( don't ask) against the setting sun sky, Hope you do too :)

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