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Haven't blipped at this time of day for a long time. Guess that's what happens when Hubby is at home for six months upsetting the daily routine.

Long dog walk this morning. Went to the wildlife lookout hide. No sign of the squirrels however, an owl flew overhead and I saw a nuthatch and a jay as well as all the more usual birds.

Took photos at the waterfall. As we haven't had much rain of late the water level is very low. Took lots of random photos too, as you do.

Then, just as I turned onto our road I spotted this rather spiffing cat sitting on top of a car roof. It was so focused on Roxy, who didn't even seem to notice the cat, that I was able to get closer and closer with every click of the camera.

Right, lunch now then a little bit of sewing which I may do outside as it has turned into another lovely day.

Looks pretty cool large.

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