
By EvelyneNC

Here's looking at you kid! We'll always have Paris

These eyes did it to me :-)

They made it hard to leave this charming hotel in Strasbourg, where they overlooked our opulent breakfast.

So this is a faint try to participate in Mono Monday, but the allusion to the Music theme is more in the Casablanca Scene, where Ingrid Bergman said, "Play it again, Sam"...

Guys, you totally surprised me yesterday. Being so painfully deprived of internet access, my own Blip anniversary had completely escaped me, but your wonderful congratulations and encouraging comments, your stars and hearts brought it back to my mind in the late evening, so my hubby and I could drink a glass of champagne on the occasion. I must say that I am really touched by all you said, and will answer as soon as possible. Often during the last year I was discouraged and wanted to stop, but the addiction to Blip was stronger than the difficulties. Your commenting carried me on, that is for sure! Thank you all very, very much! Great to get to know so many of you a little better, even better to have met some of you. And I am very much looking forward to the next big Blip Meeting in Savannah!
And a big thank you to my husband, who is so supportive, helpful and patient with my new hobby!

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