
It's been a lovely sunny day and fairly warm too.

Up early today and out with a load of washing on the line. Me and Sammy dog had a fine big walk around Cunningsburgh this morning. Mam popped by at lunchtime and we headed up to Lerwick. I borrowed mam's car for a couple of hours and went for a run and walks at Laxfirth, Wadbister and then I went up the Stromfirth Valley for a walk. Back home and I got the lawn mowed before tea and now relaxing before work in the pub tonight.

Up the Stromfirth Valley and came across the old croft of Touby. It's a fine sheltered valley from the strong winds and no salty sea air either. Further down the valley there's quite a lot of trees for Shetland but up here at Touby, this Sycamore and pine trees look out of place in the harsh landscape.

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