Waldorf and Statler

Waldorf...who is that statler?
statler.... its orchid waldorf
waldorf.. and where is this place?iceland?
statler.... no it's a place called gouwzee in holland
waldorf.....are you sure statler, it sure looks like Iceland to me
statler.......no waldorf it holland all right..it says on the blip
waldorf.....how did all that ice break up?
statler....orchid did it, she is so fed up with the icy weather she broke it up in temper with her clogs
waldorf.... what are clogs statler?
statler....wooden shoes, all the dutch girls wear them, orchid wears them all the time
waldorf..how do you know that statler?
statler....she said it on her journal
waldorf....hold on a minute statler, she says on her journal that she does not wear them
statler...well how did she break up all that ice waldorf?
waldorf ...i suppose she will have to send you a blip of her feet if you are to believe her statler?
statler....do you know waldorf, sometimes you come up with a good idea without thinking ...its a blip of your feet, orchid, when your are ready please

BS completely disassociates himself from some of Statlers comments.

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