
By AlfeeTee


For the best part of a year and a half I've cycled along Holloway Road and thought, "I wonder where Joe Meek lived".

For those unfortunate enough to not know who he is, Joe Meek was a musical maverick/genius producer from the early 60s whose main musical claim to fame was an homage to the satellite 'Telstar'. Plus countless hits like 'Just like Eddie' and 'Johnny remember me', (not Showaddywaddy).

Now I could have looked up his old address when I got home on a search engine of my choice, but every single day I had forgotten by the time I got home. Luckily this weekend I watched a great film dramatisation (Telstar:the life of Joe Meek.) of his rise and fall and got to see where he lived. 304 Holloway Road, London N something.

So here you have it. Behind those innocuous now uPVC windows above what is now a 24hour grocery shop, was his homemade recording studio-cum-flat where innovation and brilliance were recorded. And on the stairs leading to the top floor was where he shot and killed himself in a fit of madness and paranoia having just shot (possibly accidentally) his long suffering landlady.

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