Book group

The time passes so quickly!! This month’s books read are the top three on the pile. The bottom three books were abandoned before page 50.

I enjoyed all three that I read, but my favourite was The Last Runaway. The other two had disjointed time lines, horrific violence and were disturbing at times. It is good to find a book that is interesting, follows a time line, is comfortable to read and teaches me something positive!!

The Last Runaway is set in 1850 and is about the life of a young English Quaker woman following her impulsive emigration to America. Patchwork quilts, strong women and details about the Underground Railroad feature in it. The Underground Railroad was a network of people in the C19 who helped black slaves escape from captivity in the South to freedom in the North.

The last meeting was at my house, so cake and biscuits were bought from the local village bakery, all homemade by someone else!! The rest of the ladies are accomplished bakers, so as we rotate the venue for our meetings we are offered a never ending selection of goodies. There is always a bit of competition between the ladies to produce something special. I partake and enjoy :0)

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