Just a Little More...Burp!

Our last day in Nairobi and sadly, our final day in Africa :( we spent the morning visiting the Giraffe Sanctuary where we fed giraffe chow to those long necked sweeties. I was even given a kiss by one, a big and sloppy kiss! Then we went on to the Baby Elephant Orphanage on the edge of Nairobi National Park. We watched as two groups of 11 babies each came into a large roped-off circle where they were fed special milk formula from huge bottles. Then they were allowed to romp around and play.

These baby elephants were brought to the orphanage after being found motherless for one reason or another, mostly because their moms had been killed by poachers. Their handlers are very dedicated and the little babies are very well taken care of.

I'm very sad to say Goodbye to Africa. It's truly been the experience of my lifetime! And thank you all for understanding about my not being able to answer your wonderful comments. You know that I very much appreciate them and all those stars and Hearts.
We are off to the airport...8 hours to Amsterdam!

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