
By keithyboy

Corner of Camp and Church

Glad I got to try the filters again tonight, long exposure and graduating from the bottom up this time. Having had completely ruined my sleep patterns recently, I forced myself in town after getting up at 6. This gave me time for coffee with Nomi before she started work then, lacking inspiration, a wander around town brought me back to this Church. Desperate to get a good picture of it, I stood for a long time trying different cominations of filters and ISO and white ballance and exposures and angles. Not the first time this church has dumbfounded me.

The colours are a fantastic mix brought out by the long exposure capturing street lights, neon signs, a red stop light, car hradlights and taillights. On close inspection during editing, I realised that there are many angles in this picture, perhaps if i had been shooting in the daylight I would have spent more time on composition. However the downward sloping grass, the upward sloping walkway and a wall that surely isn't actually straight mess with my little brain and some wonky looking angles appear.

All in all, the result was basically what was intended, bright church, dark skies and stars. I love it for its flaws as much as I love it as a sucessful experiment.

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