A Life of Laughter

By nlw_93

Book Love

I've had a super busy and very productive day today, but I still failed to take a good photo despite having my camera with me all day!

Rory phoned me at 7 on the dot this morning which meant that I was up bright and early, however, I fell back asleep again which is becoming a habit. Headed into uni for half 10 as I had to print my reading notes and the tutorial questions before meeting Kirstin and heading to our only tutorial of the day. Once again, there was only about 3 of us in the tutorial who actually contributed to the question answering.

Kirstin and I then headed into town as I need to renew my railcard before heading to Berwick on Thursday and Kirstin needed to get an anniversary card for her parents. This gave us a great excuse to wander around Paperchase and want to buy everything in sight! We parted ways and I headed down the train station and the back and to the post office to post some clothing returns for both myself and my sister. I headed back to the library to print reading for my tutorial on Thursday before I finally made it back to the flat for lunch.

Spent the afternoon doing the reading for the tutorial on Thursday and writing up a lecture powerpoint from yesterday which means that besides writing my notes from today, I've got absolutely nothing to do tomorrow for uni...woops!

Going to spend my night with my head in my book as I'm not far from the end of it. One of my friends asked me what my favourite book is earlier and I couldn't give her a definitive answer, but I gave her a couple of recommendations. I love my book shelf in my flat, even if it's only got 10 books on it. I particularly love the masquerade mask that sits in front of it, although I've never worn it and don't remember the reason for buying it...

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