Ever decreasing circles

By Shelleylou71

23rd September 2014

Popped in to see Mr S's mum today. She looks better but very thin. She says she's lost weight since Saturday but hopefully she'll get her appetite back now they know it's a hiatus hernia and she's been given tablets for it. 75% of her esophagus is inflamed which is why she's been having problems eating. Her lung capacity is good for someone of her age but the curvature of the spine means her lungs are only able to fill to 30%, which explains her breathlessness. She has so many things wrong and she's just going to end up with even more problems. I just wish she'd had the operation they offered her years ago, but what's done is done and we have to help her the best we can now.

Finished tweaking a newsletter for the PSA and then soent the evening reading with my girls. We've definitely eaten too much!

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