
By Lightfantastic

Millock Zig-Zags

Autumnal Equinox today, weather on the change and the days closing in. Have been working on niece’s wedding photos- 500+, every spare minute so have got behind with many things including blip. I’ve finished now and sent them off. Do hope they are ok. The roof is progressing well and it should be finished in a couple of days.

Time for a day out so Gofer and I went off up to Bodmin Moor to see if there were still a few butterflies about but I think the autumn chill over the last few days has had its effect. We found a few in a sheltered meadow just off the Camel Trail including a couple of very tatty common blues, a few small coppers including a very bright new one and a tiny caterpillar on some vetch - no idea what it is. There were also lots of common darter dragonflies darting around and then settling to bask in the sun.
We came back the cliff route, which we haven’t done for quite a while, via Dizzard and the wonderful zigzags of Millock – both cliffs and road – not for the faint hearted, . The views out over the bay were wonderful though still very hazy.

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