September the 24th 2014

Twenty-four of nine,
The sun put his hat back on,
Hip hip hip hooray!

Put his hat back on eventually after a very cold wet start I should say!

Didn't feel up to driving today but did get some laundry done and some more of my garage cleared.

Really wanted to have got it done earlier in the year so it could be tidied and updated by now. I'm realising as time goes on that it would make more sense for the car to actually live in there during the Winter as my health doesn't agree with even earlier starts for windscreen clearing and, God forbid, snow shovelling!

My dad would love to help but he's a fan of chucking everything out and having a big bonfire whereas I like to do things more methodically!

Stella tried to help by eating dead things off the floor. Disgusting dog.

My pin cushion of a hand is still a little tender but the bruising has settled and the swelling has gone back down so it's just a waiting game for results now.

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