The big ISO today. Because evening birdies. I had been set to post the one photo I took during the day, of some windows covered in pigeon droppings, and a couple of pigeons perched at the top. Yuk, but kind of neat, except that the lines really wanted to be totally straight and symmetrical, and they weren't. So I'm pleased I got this rosella just as it was poised in contemplation of launch.
Click to enperchenate.
Bettr on Flickr.
Super-Multi-Coated Takumar 1:3.5/135 on Pentax K-30. f/5.6. I coulda-shoulda opened up the aperture the stop-and-a-half I had available, but I simply didn't think of it.
- 2
- 0
- Pentax K-30
- 1/100
- 135mm
- 3200
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