Porty People and Places

These garden angels ... descended upon our garden and worked their magic today. The old lawn was removed. The shrubs that could be thinned at this time of the year were thinned. The slight slope, of the old lawn was ironed out . A base was prepared and slabs laid for one of our garden benches. All in all an amazing transformation in the space of a working day. It was the stuff of one of those daytime garden make-over TV programmes that I have never watched! Ha ha!!

I was busy on my ongoing work projects most of the day and was delighted to see the result of their hard work at the end of it. We had to go to the big orange store up the road to buy a new hose in the early evening to keep the turf quenched until it has settled in. ( An Indian summer is not the ideal time for laying a new lawn. Our next door neighbour was very relieved to see that we had not succumbed to a "ready lawn/astro turf " that suddenly seem to be all the rage up and down the land!)

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