Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

The Humble Bumble

If a bum bee
stung a bum bee
on a bum bees bum

What colour would the bum bees bum be?

Bum bee tartan.

I took this (and a couple of others) before headng off for my hospital apointment to assess the damage to my knee.

I like bees - but hate wasps!

Doctor summed it up with 4-5 weeks before it will be back to normal...........that is what he thinks!

Two weeks tops. That is my aim.

After hospital it was round to my daughters for a cup of tea.

There was then a minor battle of wills while the cats claws were clipped.
Personally, I like her fluffy toes.
I took several shots of her face because I like the markings, but had to laugh when she started staring at the bubbles in the glass of juice.

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