
By TheBigCheese1

Dopski Cakes

Yes, it's fast approaching The Dopski's birthday. A fact that has passed my befuddled brain by, until last night when serious panic set it.
Luckily, on our trip to buy party food after a long day at school, The Dopski decided that she wanted a shop bought Frozen cake and definitely DID NOT want her dedicated mother to make her one! Result!
However, mummy had already bought cake toppers, edible glitter and fancy secret fairy cakes were created instead! I tried very hard to make 'icy structures' with melted sweets but most of it was thrown away. Not my most successful cooking idea! I like the colours when the light shines through them though :)
Presents are now wrapped too. Just a shed load of cleaning and tidying to do before decorating can take place and my family descend - it's way past my bedtime and it's school again tomorrow :/

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