Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat


Tomorrow is apparently European Day of Languages. Toby had to choose any European country and make something to take in to talk about in class. As he loves building stuff especially towers, this seemed the perfect choice. Hopefully he can remember what it is called and which country its from and about the silly builders come tomorrow.

Went in for a quick chat with the teacher today to see how he is settling in and he's doing fine, making lots of friends etc. I peeped through the glass before going in to say hi and it was lovely to see him playing with his new friends as whenever I have asked he only ever talks about Amelia. But he was there in a den with Harry, Oliver and another little boy, who I don't know yet. He was really excited to see me and showed me round. Eva was desperate to stay. It's his last half day today (phew). For us, I think the settling in period has gone on too long. He's been ready for school for a while and I think all this yoyo-ing between full and half days has been a bit unsettling for him. I'm sure he'll be absolutely knackered after a full week next week!

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