
By Riverdale2


I fear war might be about to break out in my street.

We live on an unadopted road so all 14 households are responsible for the upkeep of the road. A small pothole appeared at the entrance to the road (it's a cul-de-sac) and has gradually become a massive pothole. We all know it's there and we all take 'evasive action' when we pull onto the road so we don't hit it.

However, it's directly outside one property and, although we all use that part of the road and would all benefit from it being repaired, some berk in the road has written to these particular homeowners (the wife is known to have low level mental health problems) demanding that they repair the hole and threatening to sue if their own car becomes damaged as a result of driving over the hole.

What has upset me about this incident is that the letter has been sent anonymously. It's typed, there is no handwriting on the letter, the envelope is not addressed and no-one is named as the sender. It simply says that it is from the 'residents of R******** Road". Someone is hiding behind the rest of us, claiming to speak for the rest of us and giving the impression that we were all in agreement with the letter being sent.

It's just such a cowardly act.

PS. The pothole in the photo isn't the one in question. That one is much bigger and deeper than this. This one is almost outside my house; it overlaps the boundary, one third on our side, two thirds on the neighbour's side.

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