Today I...

Would rather have cut myself with a blunt knife. This would have been preferable to the three and a half hours of sitting through our AGM.

It took an hour to agree that the accounts were a true and accurate record, WHY, because the German auditor insisted that there was a discrepancy of some 6000 euros. The fact that she and Roy audited the accounts together and agreed that the monies and invoices tallied was irrelevant. What she was on about was that some of the invoices for work undertaken were higher than the estimates, so she was saying we had an 'overspend', also some of the invoices did not include VAT, which in her eyes is wrong. So, now, every job that is done on the Community has to be undertaken by a bona fide builder, who can produce an invoice with a VAT number and his fiscal number, so any work that we have done in the future is going to cost us 21% more, madness.

Roy and I were 'challenged' because when we had all the old stones from outside our house were taken away, we had 3 barrow loads put on our garden, we offered to pay for it, but the President said NO, as we both, over the years have done work for the Community without asking for payment.

So, we now have a German President (Jurgen), so nothing will get done, and we have 2 new Vice Presidents, Irene and Pat, who cannot speak a word of German and he cannot speak a word of English or Spanish, so good luck to them.

They obviously have a hatred of Roy and I, because when he offered to be auditor again he was shouted down, however, we took it to a vote and we won, so we have a new German auditor, a very nice lady, and Roy.

This rant will be updated throughout the year.

I also think for the AGM next year, we will go away, I cannot go through another day like this.

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