Project PomPom

One a night, without fail. Will has a good productive future ahead of him with this kind of planning and commitment. I will be saying something different during Homework Club tomorrow, I'm sure. Homework Club has specifically been invented to make Will think there is some importance, value and non-negotiable status attached to homework. Instead of it being the complete waste of time we all know it to be. Daisy is a very happy HC attendee, even with her optional status. Will is less sure.

Out of the blue this evening I lost every last bit of patience with having a fucking broken leg and not being able to walk. I was sick of having to continually adjust everything I want to do to accommodate it. Unfortunately this happened during a mildly irritating conversation with Daisy and she got the full brunt of it. I apologised profusely after calming down and made jam tart and custard for pudding by way of saying sorry. I know it's all nearly over and as Benelia and I were agreeing earlier today, I am better now (except for the broken leg thing) and otherwise back to normal. Maybe that is why I am suddenly less accepting of everything.

Anyway, whatever. Have a look at the lovely pom-poms. They will need a bit of a trim at some point.

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