
By Chook

The Joker

Long morning of house hunting, broken up by lunch in a yummy burger joint in North Fitzroy. We ate our burgers to the strains of a pay TV music channel counting down the 50 top funeral songs of all time. Odd, odd, odd.

Hot afternoon spent moving very little - started season 2 of Dexter, read some of The Things We Didn't See Coming and napped in order to have the stamina to go out tonight. Geez, I'm becoming grandma-ish!

Just home from a surprise birthday party for one of J's friends tonight at a bar in Greville St. Had to watch another Dexter while we wait for the air conditioner to cool the bedroom down...

Thanks all for your response to yesterday's photo - it's one I was quite happy with.

Now, for today's serving of mullet.

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