Dear Photo Diary

By rutherfordium

a missed opportunity

Every Saturday my boyfriend and I walk into the city centre. He goes off to shop for books and magazines, I go on a mission to find my blip for the day. We set ourselves a strict time limit, today it was about 45 minutes.

I had two ideas of places to go for photos: the Cathedral quarter and Custom House Square. I decided that there might be more blip opportunities around the Cathedral so I went there. I got some nice photos, but nothing spectacular, and nothing that wouldn't be there another day. On my way back I called by Custom House, my second choice, and realised there was a big bike exhibition on! I only managed to get about three photos before they packed up for the day :( Just my luck, if I had gone there earlier I'm sure it would have been full of possible blips.

Ah well, you win some, you lose some :)

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