Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

The Portent

No, it wasn't the two escaped chooks (hens) that I saw on the side or the road and, no it was the paddock absolutely full of kangaroos feeding like cattle. Nor it was the two unmarked police cars sirens blazing that passed me. Look to just off the centre of sky. Is that a meteor or something else? Calling night savy blippers to identify it. There is what appears to be a satellite a little further to the left and up. The glow is more from the crescent moon that was setting rather than the lights of Newcastle. I think I have found my spot but just need to go back in a better moon phase.

Well done to the Hawks who I am told by Beckett and Mrs Beckett played brilliantly and deserved to win. I have said a prayer for the Panthers for them. Lovely to meet up with them this afternoon for a blipmeet at Little beach.

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