The beagles have landed ...

If C were here she'd say that title was corny even for me! They've just sent a text to say they are in New York ... more than 24hrs after I dropped them.
Back to the foster children ... they are very, very large but I'm sure a few good walks and some healthy food (no scraps) will sort that out. I looked at their pedigree and their father was Hershey's mother's sibling! So when they are all the same size I'm going to struggle to tell them apart.
Jethro and Gabriel (awkward names) were dropped without anything familiar, no beds, bowls or blankets so I think it's going to be a difficult night for all of us. I still haven't worked out who is who and they have no name tags so I've been calling their names and trying to see which one responds to which name! Poor dogs.
One is a swimmer, both are whiners and one howls ... all in all they make my two look like miniature angels!!

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