As my mood grabs me...

By AlisonM

Black Iris

I took a wander into town today and picked up a rather nice bunch of fabric black iris. Needless to say they had to be played with once I got home so I rooted out a mask I really love, chopped the chin off (it's too small for me), bunged a white swimming hat on my head to control my unruly mop (I'm doing fantastic Crystal Tips impressions at the moment) and switched on the light with snoot.

I really could have done with a wider spread of light but I should have a set of barn doors coming very shortly so they should do what I want.

Meanwhile it's pretty much time to grind to a halt - a NCIS rerun I think and the 2nd part of the CSI Trilogy later on..... Sadly the cupoard is bare of wine and vodka - I'll be on the tap-water tonight

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