Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

The Mega Bender

Lazy morning this morning. Little man was up at 3:30 am and I didn't have the energy to fight with him so he came back into bed with me. There we snoozed till 7am when I heard "mummy it's morning time!" bellowing through the monitor.

I went to get my hair cut this morning too. My usual stylist has gone on maternity so I had a new girl today. I think she did a pretty good job.

When I got home little man was napping and Grandma had come round. Me and Mr J then seized the opportunity to head into town without the kiddies and spend his birthday money. He didn't buy anything, couldn't find anything he liked. I however treat myself to some new boots!

After I had spent all the money it was time to grab a bite to eat and we ended up in Wimpy! I haven't been to a wimpy since I was a kid. It hasn't changed very much! Still on the menu is the classic Bender in a Bun (hehe it still makes me giggle) We'll have two of those please...!

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