Scarlet Haberdashery

By Haberdashery


I slept late. I spent about an hour doing practical stuff then took myself off to town. Picked up a couple of bits, bagged a couple of bargainous Christmas presents (purely opportunistically) and then came home to make a delicious dinner. A bath, an Alan Bennett short story and a g&t later it's time for this week's Bake Off.

I could very much get used to this. No alarm needed for tomorrow and my gorgeous lad will be here at lunchtime. That'll do.

I also witnessed a most brilliant moment today. As I was walking down the street a small boy, maybe about six, jumped out of a shop doorway and nearly collided with a man. But, when I say jumped, it was like he'd been launched out of a canon - it was priceless. The man got the fright of his life before collapsing in laughter. The wee lad was totally unfazed, like it was an everyday occurrence.

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