It's The Boss!
The B’s, were having Breakfast with friends this morning. That’s The lovely S (who really likes me) and D (who is OK for a bloke).
Anyway The Bossess decided that we (her and ME) would walk into town and The Boss could take Suzz which I could ZZZ in while they consumed totally unnecessary amounts of Breakfast, especially The Boss who has an addiction to Pancakes. I understand it was his Mother’s fault as she used to totally spoil him with lemon and sugar pancakes and further more taught him to cook his own but The Boss has never been successful in teaching The Bossess to make a grrreat pancake, so feeling deprived he loves eating them at Breakie meets especially with the Raspberry Mush stuff and Vanilla bean stuff plus Maple Syrup that comes with them. Disgusting. Especially after last night when I had to lay through The Boss watching a documentary on AppleTV called “Fed Up” which was really interesting about obesity and manufactured food and sugar in the USA and how all the 98% fat free foods were made tasty with a ton of sugar instead. AND there were no dogs. They apparently are not addicted to fast Grub and don’t have the same issues. Nobody interviewed ME as in my opinion my grub has NEVER been fast enough!
Anyway there I was trotting alongside The Bossess when I saw THE BOSS + his Fruitphone. So it was….
Are you being a bad dog or are you just pleased to see me?
Do you think I need a haircut?
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