
By Chrissie1butter

Build a bear

Oh my what a money making business this is
( build a bear shop)
Took the girls to the Trafford centre to have a bear/ soft toy , stuffed before your very eyes, we waited in the queue for over an hour a very aggressive woman pushed in the queue in front of me by elbowing me in the neck ( she was rather tall)... This trip had to be done today because it's Alexia's 5th birthday on Monday and I had promised her this experience ( again because her and her sister Georgina have been here several times)....and I was buying the toy for her birthday .... I purchased one unicorn , a tu tu skirt
2 pairs of shoes and two pairs of roller skates.... As you can guess all separately priced.... Anyway it's only your birthday once a year.... This is a quick pic of the girls with said unicorn and a teddy bought by Georgina with her birthday money.
Sorry for the long face , G was very tired after a sleep over party at her friends house the night before

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